What is the RCIA?
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults are welcomed into the Catholic Church.
The RCIA is not a program or a class in Catholicism, but rather a process of discerning and ritualizing stages of gradual conversion that takes place within the community of the faithful. The process is about a relationship over time with Jesus which has no time frame. Although we organize our faith formation activities around a time line, conversion occurs on God's time – not our time. Candidates who do not feel ready for the next period can reassess their faith growth during subsequent calendar cycles. The RCIA process follows an ancient practice of the Church and was restored by the Second Vatican Council as the normal way adults prepare for baptism. In 1974 the Rite for Christian Initiation for Adults was formally approved for use in the United States.
What are all the steps to becoming Catholic?
The RCIA journey is divided into four periods (Inquiry, Catechumenate, Purification & Enlightenment, and Mystagogy) that respect the individual's journey of faith. The community celebrates a special ritual at the conclusion of each period of Christian formation and moves the participants into the next step.
Who can participate?
What can I expect?
Individuals who go through the RCIA process should expect to find themselves in a much deeper relationship with Jesus and possessing a better understanding of Catholic teaching and practices.
As part of the conversion process, we study the Gospel, profess faith in Jesus and the Catholic Church, and receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. In addition, one prized aspect of the RCIA experience cited by previous participants are the feelings of community, friendship and acceptance that it produces.
Is there any cost to participate in RCIA?
No. Participants are asked to register in the Parish and contribute to the support of the Parish.
Am I obligated to become Catholic?
There is no obligation on participants to become members of the Catholic Church. Anyone seeking information about the Catholic faith is welcome to attend our sessions.
Participants will be encouraged to ask questions and dialogue with the material. There are times during the RCIA process for you to explore your intentions and continue to discern God's call. Everything shared during the sessions will be treated with confidentiality and respect.
What if I was Baptized but not as a Catholic?
You will be glad to know that the Catholic Church universally recognizes most Christian Baptisms. You are welcome to explore the Catholic faith with us, and if and when you so choose, you can prepare to join the Catholic faith through the RCIA process. Prayer, discernment and reflection are part of the RCIA experience.
What is expected of me?
All that is needed is a sincere desire to grow in relationship with Jesus and learn more about him and his great works. Attendance is expected at meetings at 6 p.m. Tuesday evenings and at the 10:30 am Mass on Sundays.
If you choose to continue, attendance is expected at the Rite of Welcome and the Rite Election and at the Easter Vigil Mass. Each member of the RCIA is encouraged to spend some time each week in prayer and to prepare for the next week in a variety of ways.
The sessions are opportunities to raise questions and dialogue with the material. People who feel comfortable sharing questions and reactions are encouraged to do so.
I understand that I need a sponsor, is this true?
Yes, each RCIA candidate needs a sponsor. As Jesus taught his disciples the importance of community, it is significant that we walk this faith journey with companions, who participate in the process with you and help you find the resources and answers that you may have on your journey. If you don’t have a sponsor, we can help you find one.
What is a sponsor?
A sponsor is a Confirmed and practicing Catholic, either friend or family member, who is a spiritual companion and support on the journey, and serves as a mentor in the Christian life.
What do sponsors do?
Sponsors actively participate in our meetings and celebration of the Sacraments. They converse regularly with the participant in an ongoing process of faith development. Their promise is to be good listeners and to help participants to know where God is leading them without pushing them in any direction.
When we go to Mass on Sundays do our sponsors need to come with us?
It is highly recommended.
I just have a feeling of not knowing enough about the Catholic Church to feel comfortable yet.
That’s okay. The RCIA is a time of exploration, where people can ask questions and learn about the Church. People coming from other faith groups may have many questions about Catholicism, and areas where they don’t feel comfortable. Don’t worry. Each person is given the space to question, to pray with Jesus about it, and to take all the time they need to make a decision about joining the Church.
There is no obligation. Certainly even Catholics don’t know everything about the Church. It is a lifetime process, and each person is encouraged to make the journey at their own pace.
I would like to hear about some of the experiences of the other catechumens and candidates. The experiences of other candidates and catechumens are as varied as the people themselves. Everyone has their own story, their own journey. RCIA candidates come from all walks of life, all backgrounds and all ages. Many of our team members and sponsors are former RCIA candidates.We invite you to come to our sessions and visit with any of our leaders, sponsors and candidates.
I haven’t felt God much in my life. What if I still haven’t really found God in my life?
The fact that you are asking the question says that you are moving toward God, and God is working in your life. The desire for a relationship with God is in itself a sign of God’s presence. Keep listening and praying. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart and amazing things will happen.
Why does the RCIA process take such a long time?
Relationships are something that take time to grow, like a flower takes time to grow from a seed and bloom. RCIA is a process by which the relationship with Jesus is nurtured. Someone who would like to become Catholic must learn about the faith before they can make a decision, and that learning takes time.
Like any relationship, a person's relationship with God develops, and it can’t be rushed. Everyone has their own pace and their own particular needs and questions. The good news is that the process is fun, too! Most people who have come through the process say at the end: "I wish it had been longer.”
For further information about RCIA please email Bonnie Corcoran at b.corcoran@bscs-denver.net.