About this ministry: Altar Servers assist the presider at weekend and holy day liturgies. They are liturgical ministers who place themselves in the service of the Eucharist.
What training is necessary? Three one hour sessions and any on-going training that is needed when changes are made.
To whom is this ministry open? Anyone who is 10 years old or in the 4th grade may be an altar server. Teens and adults may serve as well.
What expertise is needed? Reverence before the Eucharist and a love of liturgy.
What kind of a commitment is required? Servers are scheduled about once a month to serve at either the 4:30, 8:00, or 10:30 Mass. It is important that altar servers be dependable and that they arrive on time.
Contacts: Jerry Swain, rjswain@msn.com, Steve Vaughan, stevevaughan20@gmail.com, and Sarah Rogers, S.Rogers@BSCS-Denver.net (scheduler is Marisia Vaughan at m.vaughan@bscs-denver.net)
About this ministry: The ministry of lectors is to proclaim the Word of God to the congregation at weekend and daily Masses in order to provide a better understanding of Sacred Scripture to those in attendance. It is hoped that in the process of preparing, the proclaimers will gain a better understanding of the Biblical text as well and grow in their love for Christ.
What training is necessary? There is a 1- to 2-hour training in which the first time proclaimer is given an explanation of when to come up, how to stand, what to do with the book, etc. There is continual training annually as well as a yearly liturgical minister's day of renewal.
To whom is this ministry open? Anyone old enough to read may participate. All ages are welcome!
What expertise is needed? Familiarity with the sacred Scriptures is very helpful.
What kind of a commitment is required? Proclaimers receive a 3-4 month schedule. They usually proclaim at a weekend Mass about once every 4-6 weeks. Daily Mass is more often
Contact: Caroline Batorowicz-Vierow, Caroline@dvierow.com
About this ministry: The ministry of ushers is to assist parishioners before, during and after Masses. They take up the collection and pass out bulletins. Ushers are responsible for adjusting doors and windows. They turn lights on and off and open and lock up the church before and after Mass.
What training is necessary? Approximately an hour is enough time for a person to learn the procedures for each Mass, where to put the collection money, which lights go on at which time, where the bulletins are, etc.
To whom is this ministry open? Both men and women, teenagers or older.
What kind of a commitment is required? An usher needs to be dependable and usually attend the same Mass each weekend.Unless we gain many new volunteers for this ministry, a person usually serves every week.
CONTACT: Nicole Stephen at n.stephan@bscs-denver.net